Man Man cast

From YSTV History Wiki

A lot of people have been involved in Man Man, so we've listed them all here. Some minor parts aren't listed if the actor had another role.

Alex Balmer Professor Bitchtits
Ladder Girl
Chloroform Kid
Tom Barker Sword Salesman
Madeleine Brown Gateau Lady
Amanda Neeson
Anna Bucks Geri Balls
Mike Chislett Telekenetic Jeff
The Flash
Mark Friend Man Man / Manfred Manning
Sidney Tiffin
Captain Fantastic
Happy Birthday Man
Searing Gastro-intestinal Pain Man
Bob Jackson & Jack Bobsen
Simon Harris Edwin Swyft
Ugly Man
The Puzzler
Vivan Jayant Mega Pimp
Simon Jones Radioactive Man
Michael Miller Multiple Personality Man
Alex Muller Hench Man
Timothy Neate Johnny Johnston
Steven Perring Brendan Custard P.I.
Gary the Guard
Alexander Prowse Reporters
Stefan Sipika Health & Safety Boy
Dungeon Master
Fionna Tod Passer-By
Chris Young Visible Boy

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