Chris Young

From YSTV History Wiki

Chris Young was elected Assistant Production Director in May 2010. He succeeded Alex Balmer, who consequently became Production Director at the same time. Whilst in office, he produced "Summer Ball 2010", Student Union Elections 2011, YSTV Spotlight, and a handful of YSTV Reports (News). Chris edited these, as well as did post-production work for other shows, including YSTV'S Best Broadcaster entry for NaSTA 2011, which was Highly Commended at the awards. He also produced moving graphics and overlays for shows, including Woodstock 2011 and Roses 2011, a graphic which won Best Animation at the YUM Awards 2011.

Outside of YSTV, Chris was elected YUM Chair in March 2010. The major change he has pioneered since being elected has been to push through the rewriting of the Media Charter, aimed at safeguarding the political freedoms of the media and better defining what limits YUSU can place on the media societies. However, he also had to fight to keep the position of YUM Chair on Union Council, lobby against Societies' Committee being given financial powers, and negotiate greater freedoms for comments on the Nouse Website.

Other media links include having a radio show on URY and being Chief Subeditor of Nouse 2009-2010.