Katherine Bell

From YSTV History Wiki
Katherine Bell
Years Active 2016 – 2018
Positions Held
Current LocationYork

Katherine joined YSTV in 2016, her second year of studying History and Politics. She would have joined in first year but she was intimidated by YSTV's apparent professionalism (as soon as she actually joined, she realised this assumption was quite funny). Katherine was also inspired to join YSTV on the suggestion of Steven Perring whom she met at a careers talk in first year. She was Vision News Editor in first year but soon realised TV was the superior media in every sense.

At the by-elections at the start of 2016/17 academic year she was elected OB Coordinator, despite not really knowing what an OB was. She then began to go to as many productions as she could and slowly started producing shows (usually with partner in crime Edwin Barnes). Katherine was elected Station Director in Summer Term of 2017.

Katherine can usually be found in the studio, not doing anything in particular. So regularly is she in the studio in fact, often late into the night (Wiki Party being a key example), her housemates have voiced complaints about never seeing her in the daylight. Since YSTV has become her life, Katherine hopes to encourage more members to create exciting new productions as the society continues to grow in size and quality, and dreams of one day working in production management.

Shows Produced