Roses 2018

From YSTV History Wiki

Roses 2018 took place in Lancaster, and was therefore mostly organised by Lancaster's station LA1tv. YSTV - under leadership of Katherine Bell and Edwin Barnes - was able to bring a large group of members and a van. Because they were so many, most of the crew had to sleep on the floor of LA1's studio. Due to very limited space, this brough the members much closer together, but it wasn't exactly comfortable. The weekend was filled with many technical problems, as is to be expected from Roses. However, the two stations - and with help from ForgeTV - were able to broadcast several livestreams at the same time, produce a regular studio show and even make first attempts at extra pre-recorded coverage.


  • YSTV produced a short trailer for their coverage of Roses 2018, which featured YSTV members training for the weekend (running with cameras etc.)
  • Being the bad guests that they are, YSTV stole LA1's mascot Clifford and hanged it in their studio on a XLR-cable. Cruel bastards.

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