Roses 2002

From YSTV History Wiki
Roses 2002
Genre: Event Coverage
Broadcast: May 2002
Producer(s): Kevin Bowman
Michael Prior-Jones

For the 2002 tournament, Michael Prior-Jones and Kevin Bowman travelled to Lancaster and repeated the previous year's successful formula of running around and filming short clippings of as many different matches as possible before editing them together to make a highlights-so-far video to be shown at the Roses Ball on the Saturday night. This was during the period when YSTV didn't have its own OB camera (the original Panasonic MS5 having failed), so we took a hired DV camera. Kevin sat in a college bedroom and edited, whilst Michael ran round trying to get as much footage as possible.

A particular un-highlight of the event that year was turning up at The Carleton nightclub in Morecambe at about 5pm on the Saturday in order to set up for playing the video - it's never good to see what clubs look like in broad daylight!

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YSTV Productions
Series • Events Coverage • One-offs