Thomas Schubert

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He's German.


In a desperate attempt to stay as busy as possible without actually doing any work on his degree, Thomas has worked on a wide range of productions in an even wider range of positions.


# Show Position Description
1 Coffee House Sessions Various Positions Working as camera OP on several sessions at first, he soon produced his own session. Was mostly there for the free Nachos
2 Christmas Massacre VT Director/Floor Manager/Actor Encouraged by Iona McEvans, the combined Christmas-Halloween livestream saw him acting as director for the very first time. The short found-footage style horror sequence had him work with many soon-to-be important faces of YSTV: Charlotte Rogers, Theo Bimson and Richard Jones.
3 Hidden Director, Writer, Editor He wrote the script for Hidden during the christmas break, which soon became his pet project. Shot on 5 days over 2 terms, mostly crewed by freshers and with a lot of help from DoP Anastasia Arsentyeva, Hidden developed into a massive project that caused the new generation of YSTV members to bond (especially over the 2nd day of shooting, which lasted for 17 hours). The film would only be released at the end of 2018's autumn term.
4 YSTV Reports: AESTHETICA 2017 Assistant Camera OP Thomas joined the team at Aesthetica, which saw him use the C100 for the first time. Except for one interview, none of the video was ever released,
5 ISA Cultural Performance Night Camera OP Helped crewing and setting up the recording of the performances. This marked the first time he worked with Olivia Gibbs, with whom he would soon work together regularily.
6 FTO Debate 2018 Wireless Camera OP He spent several hours running around with a camera but without comms. Still seemingly did a good enough job to gain extra praise on the production's wiki page. Mostly due to catching bored audience members in embarrassing moments.
7 Unibrass 2018 Director, Wireless Camera OP For the first time, Thomas got to direct a section of YSTV's live broadcast. Which he enjoyed a lot.
8 PTO Debate 2018 Vision Mixer He vision mixed for the first time. Which was arguably not very impressive for he had exactly two cameras to work with.
9 ERN 2018 VT Director and Editor, Wireless Camera OP He volunteered to take on the live stream's intro video with Edwin Barnes, presenter Josh Gonorro Chapman and surprise cameo James Durcan (YUSU President). The plan that had been made was mostly abandoned due to the sudden access to YUSU's Voteswagen - which was a good call.

The intro linked directly into the opening of the live show, where Josh was picked up by Thomas on the wireless camera as he entered the hall.

10 Lemons for Leukemia Presenter Making a deal with Richard Jones, he took part in the Lemons for Leukemia challenge. For which he had to eat a lemon. Which he enjoyed way too much,
11 Roses 2018 Trailer Director, Editor Directed the trailer for YSTV's coverage of Roses 2018, which was mostly improvised.
12 The Wizard of Oz Co-Producer, Editor Happening to find a hire opportunity on a shoot with bestie Steph Shires, they both produced this major commercial hire in just two days. They filmed to seperate performances of the musical and ended up spending several weeks in edit hell. The result was so well liked, however, that YSTV got hired several times in the future to film more theatre shows.
13 Behind the Streams: NaSTA 2018 Camera OP Thomas attended his first NaSTA in 2018, and spent most of the weekend running around with a camera - which kind of makes him the camera OP, right?
14 Roses 2018 Various Roles Thomas joined the crew for Roses in Lancaster, taking on several positions ranging from director to floor manager.
15 YSTV Rants Writer, Editor Throughout the second and third terms, Thomas created his own weekly show, which was aiming to be a more vulgar version of Honest Trailers. Each week, he would watch a new film and write an intentionally angry review on it. The show was voiced by Lydia Juhrich and span across six episodes.
16 The System Partial DoP He was a part of the fateful shoot of The System, joing the crew on three days as one of five overall DoPs.
17 The SU DoP Thomas took on the role of Director of Photography on Hector Macduff's satire short film.
18 Love York Awards 2018 Producer, Director With Edwin being nominated for an award, Thomas was trusted to both produce and direct one of YSTV's biggest live streams of the year. He also shot the video for the Outstanding Contribution to Student Life Award.
19 Summer Ball 2018 Camera OP ...
20 Guide to Campus Actor ...
21 Scene It! Director, Editor ...
22 Micklegate Run 2018 Camera OP, Editor ...


# Show Position Description
1 YSTV Reports Various Positions He has worked on a wide range of YSTV Reports videos, re-vitalizing the format with Steph Shires before Fresher's Week 2018. He took part in the following:
  • York Vibe - Editor, Camera OP
  • Relay for Life - Editor, Camera OP
2 Dad's Army Producer, Co-Editor ...
3 Guide to Freshers' Week Director, Editor ...
4 What are STYCs? Actor ...
5 Freshers' Week 2018 Various Roles ...
6 YSTV does Come Dine With Me Canditate ...
7 Cats Producer ...