Woodstock 2005

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Woodstock 2005
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Genre: Music Event Coverage
Producer(s): Richard Ash
Sarah Leese

Woodstock was again on Vanbrugh Bowl, but failed to find a RAG Woodstock co-ordinator and so was put together by the then President, Mary Gaunt. Unfortunately this led to it being run at the last minute with inadequate preparation, and seemed a little of a damp squib compared to 2004. YSTV's producers were Richard Ash and Sarah Leese.

The control tent shared with URY

Again the Tega festival stage was brought in, and Ents succeeded (via JSS) in getting a line array speaker system to run the event. This year a single larger screen was erected behind the bands on the back of the stage, again with a 5200 lumen projector. This was designed to be more visible due to being in darker surroundings, but was offset by the larger screen.

Despite much effort the event did not go out to network due to a missing ground connection in LTC (picture was seen, but covered in squiggly lines). Unfortunately the SVHS deck decided to have an off day, so only the last two band sets could be recovered from the third tape for subsequent broadcast.

The lava ident projected on stage

2005 is the final year to date that the event has been held on Vanbrugh Bowl. In order to try and make people go to Vanbrugh bar rather than bring their own drinks from outside the university campus, green Woodstock wristbands were sold in exchange for promotions at the bar. This cashed in on 2005's biggest craze (other popular wristbands were Make Poverty History, Radio 1 Beat Bullying and Livestrong) but ultimately failed to significantly improve the takings, and so the following year the uni took drastic measures to attempt to make a profit...

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