The Great Flood of 2023

From YSTV History Wiki
It moist

On Sunday 23 April 2023, one week before Roses 2023, Jamie Parker-East and Dan Wade arrived in the control room to find it more than a little bit, err, moist. As they later found out, a lakewater pump had failed to carry on pumping and so lakewater started to build up, eventually taking advantage of YSTV's role as the lowest point in the Maths building to rise up through the carpet. Not ideal.

Estates were hastily summoned, and had no idea what was going on, initially suspecting a burst heating pipe but not finding one. The control room was declared off-limits, the training session scheduled for that afternoon was moved into G/N/013, and a water vacuum was sourced. Thankfully, the studio was unscathed. This was still problematic though, as the current Roses planning called for the control room to be the MCR. Several backup plans were hashed out, involving either the MCR sharing space with the edit den in the studio, or a dodgy cat5e run into G/N/020.

Eventually the faulty pump was isolated and, with the help of a fair amount of vacuuming, the water level started to recede. The smell was horrible though, and was only resolved by Liam Burnand leaving the window slightly open overnight with serveral fans pointing at it - miraculously YSTV was not burglarised. The studio was saved, and Roses could go ahead as planned! What else could possibly go wrong?