Debbie's How To on Campus

From YSTV History Wiki

An guide to how to get to places on campus, fronted by Debbie Rule. Not at all the same thing as Fresher's Guide to Campus (or The Search For Wentworth) but a little like the much later Guide To Campus. Anyone know what happened next? Part of me thinks I have seen some more footage from this somewhere, but they were headed for Alcuin, so I'm not sure.

In the Archive

Found on an unlogged Umatic tape, we have about the first halfUnverified or incomplete information of this programme with no titles, in which we find our way to Central Hall and then down to Derwent to collect our Grant Cheque. The recording cuts off just after we have departed in the direction of Wentworth to get our NUS Card. There is also a short intro to YSTV by Debbie in front of the monitor rack on the same tape, which mixes into the Review of the Year promo (I think), which then cuts out half way through.

YSTV Productions
Series • Events Coverage • One-offs