
From YSTV History Wiki

This sequence, edited to Queen's 'Breakthru', was put together by Jo Hyde as the opening titles for Good Morning Campus (1995). It starts with an average student (Graham Quince) getting out of bed and switching on his television, and then moves into a compilation of programme highlights and YSTV members working around the studio, in the control room, and on the roof. The programme highlights are a mixture of recent footage from the time (e.g. Soapwatch) and older material from the 1992-3 Review promo, and Breakfast in Edinburgh, which was about 1990. The craft in the middle of the lake, mentioned on Jo Hyde's page, also makes a brief appearance.

A particular highlight of Breakthru is the footage of Dominic Plunkett taking a television apart. The lyrics at that point are remarkably apt...

Some of the footage also appears in Men of YSTV 1995 and the 1994-5 Review of the Year.

Breakthru is available in its entirety at the beginning of the Good Morning Campus episodes sent in by Sarah Davies - for some reason, the Thursday edition is of better quality than the Friday edition.

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