Boozy Broadcasts

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(Redirected from Bob Ross Livestream)

The Bob Ross Livestream

During the post PCA's 2019 stream drinks, friends Ran Christer, Zoe Dickinson and Klára Šimonová decided it would be funny to lock a very drunk Ran in the studio, very late at night with only a single camera and a canvas. The thinking, was to have her produce a painting guid video in the style of Bob Ross. This idea blossomed and changed over the following week (or so) and they decided to do a livestream in honour of the great Bob Ross, with 2 painters following Bob Ross tutorial. When it was realised that his birthday was coming up, decision was made to go live after the weekly set of meetings and a trip to the pub, which was the standard schedule for any given Tuesday night, in honour of Bob. So upon returning to the studio, a mini crew quickly assembled - even though the studio was actually packed with other YSTV members who were enthusiastically watching.

The original idea for the stream (presented by Manuel Ausin) was for both Zoe Dickinson and Ran Christer to follow a Bob Ross tutorial and compete to see who could draw the better picture. As to be expected, the whole thing soon went off-track, but was very entertaining to watch, with a large amount of FTP students tuning in as well. Both pictures were hung up in the control room after the stream.

Drunk Werewolves

Having played it just a few weeks before at a YSTV social and inspired by the Polygon series Overboard, Thomas Schubert came up with the idea to have YSTV drunkenly play the hidden role game werewolves. The idea was so popular, that the studio ended up being way to small for all the people who wanted to join in. Here are the attendees:

The stream was directed and vision mixed at the same time by Ben Allen, and was mostly entertaining due to most players being unable to understand the game - notoriously true for Rory Percival.

Drunk Drivers

The final Boozy Broadcast so far featured the most epic Mario Kart tournament there has ever been and ever will be. It was produced by Thomas Schubert (mostly based on the desire to use one silly graphic he made), featured complex picture-in-picture transmission that was worked out by Andrew Waddle just minutes before they went live, and was hosted by Jacob Boyle, YSTV's resident Nintendo expert, and Rohan Ashar, YSTV's main sports commentator.

The whole event turned into a social more-or-less, with many people dressing up and throwing bananas. The winner was decided by a strict sudden-death system.

The matches:

Note: Louis Dickson was not meant to be a contender, as he was floor managing. Still, the studio crew thought it would be fun to see him suffer. It was, and his quote Princess Peach is a Brexiteer! is now legendary. Especially since he was actually playing as Rosalina.

If everything had gone according to the rules, then Manu would have won fair and square - but since Mario Kart is obviously cruel and unfair, he was forced to face off in a surprise finale against host Jacob Boyle on Sunshine Airport. Since Jacob was not drunk, he won the match with ease.

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