Liz Pascoe

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NaSTA 2014

Liz has been a member of YSTV since 2011. Since joining YSTV she has been Technical Director, Station Director, and now currently holds the position of Social Secretary. She has been involved with YSTV shows in many different ways including producing, presenting, and crewing. She is best known for her show Soldering with Liz.


Summer 2012

Liz joined The University of York with a keen interest in technical theatre. The only reason she joined YSTV was after being terrified by DramaSoc in their freshers’ meeting. After thinking outside of the box a bit she didn’t immediately think of joining other performance societies, rather that she’d join YSTV as “half of the tech is the same”.

Although Liz went to the Fresher’s Welcome Meeting in 2011 she was one of many freshers that year who were terrified by the prospect of the golden bodge. Therefore she considers her YSTV anniversary to be just before Children in Need as it was a bit of a baptism by fire, having to spend many long nights staring at a whiteboard with Michael Chislett and Sam Nicholson.

After Children in Need, Liz spent more and more time with the tech team learning as much as she could about how YSTV actually works.

NaSTA 2012

Although everyone in the station said that NaSTA is a great thing to go to, even if you’ve only just joined the society, Liz thought she knew better and decided to spend the NaSTA 2012 weekend in her halls in Alcuin College. She spent the awards evening watching live whilst in bed in her pyjamas. When YSTV won Best Broadcaster she got so excited that she wanted to tell someone about the station’s win. After using Skype to find that neither of her parents were awake, she left her block to run around to see if anyone in her corridor still had their lights on. Unfortunately she couldn’t find anyone to share the good news with. Since that moment, Liz decided she’d be at every NaSTA Awards and Conference Weekend she could get to.

Elections 2012

In the 2012 YSTV elections, Liz ran for the position of Technical Director and was elected into the role (seeing as she was uncontested, this was hardly a surprise). Due to this, Liz has worn the same dress to every YSTV election she has run in even though the dress isn’t the most appropriate length. Some even say the dress length helped her win the election. Later on that evening, Liz and Greg Ebdon (the newly elected Computing Officer) suddenly realised that they were in charge of keeping the station running and may have had a small crisis.


During this year Liz did her best to keep YSTV running. The tech cupboard and admin had never looked better. Unfortunately the camera situation had never looked worse. Through no fault of her own (that she knows of at least), it was while Liz was Technical Director that all of the cameras we had at the time decided that they no longer wanted to work.

This year was also Liz’s first year living at 84 Thief Lane.

Elections 2013

After attending her first NaSTA conference in Exeter a few months before, Liz decided that she was going to run for Station Director. Once again, the tiny blue dress was brought out of retirement and she won the role. Another small crisis may have been had after hearing this news.