Michael Prior-Jones
Michael Prior-Jones (known as Mike these days) joined YSTV in his first week at York in October 1999, having previously spent a gap year at BBC Research & Development. He studied for an MEng in Electronic Engineering and spent a lot of time doing YSTV stuff, as well as being involved in a less life-taking-over way with URY and Gilbert & Sullivan Society.
He lived in 21 Danum Road with Cally Nixon, Kevin Bowman, and John Biltcliffe.
On graduating from York in June 2003 he worked for BBC R&D until June 2005, when he took a job with the British Antarctic Survey as Communications Manager at Rothera Research Station. He spent 18 months at Rothera and filmed an Antarctic station ident with a penguin and various other footage which Mark Friend edited into VTs for Limited Edition.
He now works as a technology consultant and lives in Cambridge. He attended 40th Birthday and YSTV50.
During the time he was in YSTV he was
- Station Engineer (from Nov 99 - May 00)
- Technical Director (May 00 - May 01)
- the first ever Commercial Director (May 01 - May 02), having been responsible for creating the post in the 2001 Constitution
- Studio Manager (May 02 - May 03)
- Training Manager