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In the summer of 2004, YSTV went through much upheaval when the newly elected Station Director was subjected to a vote of no-confidence just weeks after his election. The series of events became known by some as 'Ructions' after an initial email regarding the dispute which triggered the problems was sent with the title "Prepare for ructions". The story goes something like this...

IMPORTANT: The initial writing of this article was done by Rowan de Pomerai. I probably know more about the string of events than just about anyone else, however it will rightly be pointed out that since this all lead to me becoming station director, my impartiality could be doubted. I have done my very best to ensure that this article is a statement of facts and nothing more, however I do invite others who were there at the time to correct or contracdict me if they feel appropriate.

ARTICLE LOCK: It's going to take me a little while to write this I think, so until that time, I have locked the article. Admins may edit it, but I didn't want to open it up to general editing until I've finished. To avoid too many people reading this until it's finished, I have not linked to this page from anywhere else, and I urge you not to either.

The 2004 Committee Elections

Leading up to the YSTV committee elections in 2004, there were 3 friends, all fairly new to YSTV, who were considering team leader or station director roles. They were Jen Ayerst, James Flinders and Rowan de Pomerai. Between themselves, they decided to split up the 3 most senior non-technical positions and just apply for one each, rather than standing against each other. Jen stood for Production Director, Rowan for Studio Manager and James for Station Director. Jen's production interests made this the logical position for her, and while Rowan considered SD, he decided against on the basis that (a) James wanted to run and wasn't so keen on Studio Manager, and (b) he could run for SD in his 3rd year if he desired.

Sll 3 were successfully elected to these posts. James unfortunately was in America for some timeUnverified or incomplete information following the AGM, and so Rowan, as new Studio Manager, was left as acting SD. Not a lot of note happened during this time in YSTV itself, it was just business as usual. Generally YSTV was doing well, having increased its membership considerably thanks to the efforts of the Gang of Four, and the YSTV Clean-Up which had happened recently made the place look better and brought the team together.

URY In Bars

The first problems came due to the debate over the playour of URY in campus bars. Whilst out of the country, James had been in contact with Tim surname?Unverified or incomplete information and Matt Fullerton or URY (Matt was not an active member of YSTV at this point) about proposed plans for URY to be broadcast in campus bars using Rediffusion. James had responded on behalf of YSTV stating that it would be unfair for URY to be allowed to broadcast in campus bars, stating that it would cut off YSTV's main distribution medium.

Richard Ash sent an email to Rowan, Jen, Jonathan and Dave stating that James Flinders didn't seem to think the rest of you needed to see the attached email [the one sent by James to Matt and Tim] I think you do. He also sent a message to Matt and Tim pointing out that James doesn't seem to have consulted anyone else in YSTV, and asked that they wait until the issue had been taken to a station meeting and stating that he could not preempt that decision in either direction.

Richard's feeling was that a decision of this magnitude should not be taken by any single YSTV member (Station Director or not), and that giving a specific response without consulting a station meeting was wrong of James.

The general feeling expressed by those who Richard emailed was that URY in bars would have to be carefully negotiated, but was not necessarily a point-blank no. However the key issue with regards to this article was James acting on behalf of a supposedly democratic society without proper consultation. Few would doubt he had good intentions, but many were angered about his methods.