People Are Strange

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People Are Strange
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Episode 1 Titlecard
Genre: Comedy
First Broadcast: 2012
Producer(s): Matt Johnson
Kieron Moore
James Bugg

Comedy sketch show where each episode has a different writer/producer. Long in the works and finally got off the ground in late 2011/early 2012


Promo was filmed in the week before Christmas holidays 2011 and eventually released late Jan 2012. Written by James Bugg.

Episode 1: Campus Capers

Written and performed by Matt Johnson, with guest appearances from half the station. Epic production run of one week from scripts distributed to conclusion of filming, via auditions and filming scheduling. Editing then took another week, before release in early Feb 2012.

Almost killed Matt Johnson after promising Station Director Sarah Pickles a deadline, but having to almost single-handedly complete the show after Executive Producer Marie Mills was struck down by tonsillitis.

Still, much fun was had eating Crunchy Nut in a computer room, laughing at Sarah David and seeing Greg Ebdon all dragged up again (yes, again).

Episode 2: Apple and Grape

Written and performed by Daniel Marshall and Kieron Moore. Notable appearance from Sam Crowley.

Includes animation!

Episode 3: Pain

Written and performed by James Bugg and Will Haydon. Filmed in the penultimate week of Summer Term 2012 with assistance from Matt Johnson, due to an again absent Marie Mills. Large contingent of Dramasoc actors, so a strange experience working with people who can actually act.