Elections 2009

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Elections 2009
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Genre: Events Coverage
Broadcast: 14/15 March 2009
Producer(s): Matthew Tole
Roxanne Benson-Mackey

Elections 2009 was produced by Matthew Tole and Roxanne Benson-Mackey, and took place in Langwith College. The event took place in The Courtyard (YUSU's bar which had opened at the beginning of the year) with the results announced next door in L/N/028. YSTV set up for an outside broadcast with a control room in L/N/003 (adjacent to L/N/028) and studio in L/N/002. A camera was put in the corridor outside L/N/002 to make up for the loss of the balcony camera that had previously been used in Derwent.

A selection of photos from the evening are available courtesy of Chris Northwood over on Flickr.

YUSU Election Nights
1984 • 1985 • 1986Unverified or incomplete information • 1987 • 1988 • 1989
1990 • 1991Unverified or incomplete information • 1992Unverified or incomplete information • 1993 • 1994 • 1995 • 1996 • 1997 • 1998 • 1999
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YSTV Productions
Series • Events Coverage • One-offs