York University Tele-Film Productions

From YSTV History Wiki

York University Tele-Film Productions was the title under which the group that would shortly become YSTV began life. The original idea for student involvement in TV production came from a lecturer in the Education Department at York whose name I now forgetUnverified or incomplete information. David Crossley, the actual founder of YSTV, was a Biology and Education student who had recently taken over the running of the student filmmaking activity that was then part of the Drama Society. The Education Department had just acquired some early video equipment, together with three technicians to run it, and essentially didn't know what to do with it. The Education lecturer suggested to David that he should organise a group of students to put together a university TV news programme to make use of the video equipment.

The student film and TV production group that was born became an official student society recognised by the Students Representative Council, originally called 'York University Tele-Film Productions'. This clumsy name lasted less than a year and bit the dust when the filmmaking activity was hived off into a separate society (not for the last time).

David Crossley gathered together group of about 10 people, mainly through a society stall at the beginning of the first term in October 1967 (an early manifestation of the event now known as Freshers' Fair). The group met every Monday evening in the little meeting room overlooking the Langwith dining room (is it still there?). At these meetings the ideas for the weekly 'news magazine' TV programme called 'Newsround' were discussed.

For subsequent events, see the YSTV Timeline, YSTV Productions page and many more YSTV People.