Michael Cullen

From YSTV History Wiki

Michael joined in October 2008 after his dad (somehow) heard about YSTV on the open day (Michael himself did not actually notice). He studied Electronic Engineering with Media Technology and likes most things electronic or computer based (notable exceptions being anything involving transistors).

Although he studied electronics, he has been asked on more than one occasion why he did not study computer science instead. This is probably due to his ability to program better than most of the students on his course. This is more than offset by his complete inability to correctly format or document his code (it works, but good luck if you ever want to understand it!)

During his time in YSTV, he (perhaps foolishly) took on several projects (in approximate order of level of completion):

He was the 2009-10 Deputy Technical Director

He was the 2010-11 Computing Officer

He's just been offered a job working as a junior support engineer for broadcast automation. (Think Skedular on a huge scale)

He also cannot decide whether to write about himself in the third person.