Luke Brown

From YSTV History Wiki

Luke applied to York specifically because he'd heard that there was a student TV station, choosing a Pure Maths course merely as a diversion.

During his time at York, Luke was involved in a number of productions, and hopes that the tapes of some of them will never be found again!

Luke was Grapevine Manager for the second half of his First Year, creating teletext pages with the day's news and sport on a trusty BBC computer. The second year brought the role of Scheduling Manager. More interestingly, his proud lack of interest in TV soaps was ruined when Mark Hansgate twisted his arm into co-producing Soapwatch with fresher Emma Winter. This turned out to be great fun, although Luke can still sometimes be overheard muttering in his sleep about 1990s plot lines from Eastenders.

Contravening YSTV tradition, Luke decided he should probably leave York with some sort of degree, and was seen around the station somewhat less during his third year.

After York, and after sending billions of letters to TV companies, Luke started work at the end of 1996 as a Trainee Technical Operator for Meridian in Newbury, progressing to various other roles during the 5 years he was there.

The next 5 years were spent directing news programmes for ITN, including ITV News and Channel 4 News.

In 2006, Luke left TV in the search for a new challenge, and is now very happy (if exhausted) teaching Maths in a secondary school in Kent.