Heslington Bank Robbery

From YSTV History Wiki

On Tuesday 22 October 2019, an attempted bank robbery took place at the bank next to the post office in Heslington village. It was witnessed by a number of YSTV members at the time due to Zoë Dickinson living in a flat above the post office.

Following hearing a large bang, several members if the YSTV gang made their way to the living room of the flat to investigate what it was. By this time an alarm could be heard. Zoe made her way to the window, turning round to subtly tell everyone that the bank was being robbed, followed by Alice, less subtly, leaning out the window and shouting "oh my god, they're robbing the bank." At this point, the robbers got in their car and drove away, Matt rang the police and Ben tried to get a video of it all.

The police later arrived at the flat to take some statements but struggled to do so due to poor internet reception and so Andrew instead schmoozed one of the officers.
