Dan Maher

From YSTV History Wiki
Dan Maher
Years Active 2016 – 2018
Positions Held
Current LocationYork

Daniel Maher joined YSTV during the 2016-17 Fresher's Fair. Working towards a career as a Director, Writer or stay at home father of a child who'll pay for the sweet Jag he always wanted, Dan studies Film and Television at York from 2016-19. He is a member of Goodricke (the best) college.

YSTV was one of the first societies that he signed up for and the one that he engaged with most heavily. During the first By-Elections (held to fill out committee and officer positions lacking at the beginning of that year) Dan was unanimously voted in as YSTV treasurer (definitely not because he was the only one who ran for it). He was able to retain this position during the AGM and elections of Summer 2017, despite remarkable opposition from Vodka and a series of Tequila shots.

Dan's role in the society is largely administrative; updating the financial spreadsheet, signing off on claim forms, communicating with YUSU and drinking.

Dan is currently pushing for a more ordered financial process; one with tighter communication to create a more involved and streamlined process.

He's also partial to the odd drink.


Dan's continued holding of the position of YSTV treasurer has helped re-orient the societies finances. Although he struggled for a time he tuned into the role and has made steps to improve the financial processes of the society. These include:

  • A swanky new financial spreadsheet, with sleeker design and improved formulae
  • An improved filing system for claim forms and invoices
  • A more tightly regimented manner in which members purchase and claim back items

The position of treasurer has made an interesting connection between Daniel and his 3 month-long hero Alexander Hamilton.[1] Much like Hamilton Dan is not throwing away his shot, Dan is not throwing away his shot, Hey yo, He's just like his country, He's young, scrappy and hungry, And he's not throwing away his shot.


Dan only works sparingly on YSTV productions, largely in a supporting or technical role. His work includes:


Dan drinks. Some say that Dan drinks too much.

On the first YSTV social event of 2016 Dan found himself in the precarious position of having a full pint when everyone else wanted to leave. It was here that Dan downed the pint (a feet never repeated in all of human history) and became known as 'Down-it Dan'. Since then Dan has revealed a fondness for drinking, having a quarter of a bottle of vodka at the 2017 AGM. Perhaps the most notorious alcohol soaked incident concerning Dan was during the infamous Election of 2017. Dan had been drinking intermittently from 4pm, which was compounded by the promise of pizza, tequila shots provided by to-be Commercial Director Raquel Bartra and the awkward events of said meeting. Despite not remebering that night and drinking almost an entire bottle of vodka he still retained his position as treasurer (still nothing to do with his having no opponents). To this day there remains a video of a drunk Dan rapping along to Hamilton.

And you will never find it. (I'm looking at you Edwin Barnes)