Cox T8

From YSTV History Wiki

A considerable upgrade from the 4-channel Polar vision mixer, this arrived at some point during Michael Prior-Jones' tenure as Technical Director. It had two big advantages: the control console was remote from the rack crate, so we didn't have to run multiple BNC cables to the vision mixer's station, and it had a proper program/preset architecture, unlike the Polar where you had to remember which bank was "live". We either purchased it very cheaply or acquired it for nothing, and it survived a few years before dying in the middle of Elections 2003.

Although it had eight inputs, it had no integral framestores, so I don't think it ever had eight things connected. The Dual framestore was acquired at about the same time so that we could feed three non-genlocked sources into the T8 (one via P164 and two via the Dual framestore)