
From YSTV History Wiki

Mark Hansgate scripted this during the summer of 1994 and then directed it the following Autumn term. It was completely crewed and cast within YSTV, with the new intake of 1994-95 taking up the majority of roles. Chris Barker took the lead role of Brian in the production with Elise Ashcroft, Claire Mace and Emma Winter making up Brian's girlfriends. The studio was converted into a nite-club and filled with RockSoc for the bet scene, and the remainder was shot on location in York.


If you look carefully you can see the reflection of Jon Rosser (a YSTV member who happened across the filming while shopping in York) in the window outside Mark's and Spencer.

Lies and more lies

The final edit was of high quality and noticeably roll free, demonstrating that there was life in the old Umatic suite and it was all down to the quality of the tape used.

Do not try and understand the route that Chris takes while running around York.

In the Archive

This was one show we were unlikely ever to loose out copy of, as it is on two different Umatic tapes (one of which is erronously printed as 1992!) as well as several ex-members VHS tapes.

YSTV Productions
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