Category:YUSU Awards Season

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Every year at the University of York, during Summer Term, there are a series of Awards Ceremonies. Not every awards ceremony is applicable to YSTV every year, but most are in one way or another.

Award Ceremonies

Love York Awards (LYAs) - The main awards ceremony, think the Oscars of YUSU. The LYAs feature a wide range of categories, with something for all different aspects of life at the University.

YUSU Student Media Awards (YUMAs) - The YUMAs are the awards specific to Media Groups at York. This is where YSTV tend to do best.

Activities Awards - These awards are for Societies and Volunteering groups at York. Whilst YSTV is technically a Media Group, and so not able to enter directly, we can sometimes take an Activity Award home through collaborating with another society.

Colours Ball - These are essentially the sports awards - the most significant here for YSTV is Sport Journalist of the Year.

Excellence Awards - Awards for academic staff, not especially relevant for YSTV.

College Sport Awards - Sports awards but for colleges, again not too relevant.

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Pages in category "YUSU Awards Season"

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