
Revision as of 15:33, 26 August 2019 by Joseph.Wharfe (talk | contribs)

Over the years many mysterious things have happened at YSTV, or they may not have. Rumours run wild and take on lives of their own. Details grow foggy in the mists of time. We cannot confirm or deny any of these events truly happened, and neither should you.

Sound Team Marriage

A YSTV Calendar entry suggests that Sound Team may have formalised their partnership in the eyes of the Lord. Evidence that points towards this having actually took places is scarce - Joseph Wharfe himself is listed as Not attending, and even Andrew Battersby is only Maybe attending. And it's dubious as to whether anyone who claimed to be Attending was even in York at the time. Still, many claim that when you see their eyes meet, the truth is obvious.

See Also

the York Campus Folklore webpage


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Pages in category ‘Folklore’

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.