Too Clever by Half

From YSTV History Wiki
Too Clever by Half
Genre: Quizzes / Game Shows
First Broadcast: 1998
Last Broadcast: 1999
Producer(s): Tom Lancaster

Had to be seen to be believed.

This Krypton Factor-esque show was produced and fronted by Tom Lancaster and featured memorable segments like the 90-second Manic Minute.

Debbie Rule featured as the girl with the scores: "Don't be a fool! Give us the scores, Miss Rule!" Honestly.

PQB cross dressed as Petra

Despite its cult status within YSTV, the control room crew was often quite minimal. Some episodes were recorded with just two crew, one to vision mix and direct, the other to operate the Commodore Amiga computer and sound desk. This caused some logistical problems due to equipment positions, and the fader on the Amiga overlay was therefore operated with a long piece of string.

Towards the end of 2000, Too Clever by Half was resurrected for a one-off live special at a house warming party in London for John Barratt, Claire Kilner and Tim Hackett. This time Jenny Gordon was the glamorous assistant: "Relieve the boredom, tell us the scores Miss Gordon!"

YSTV Productions
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