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‘’(Editor’s Note: I had no idea what to call this section)‘’
Coming to York as an international student, Thomas had no idea YSTV even existed until the day he arrived at uni. After stepping out of the bus from the airport, he was greeted by none other than [[Raquel Barta]]. She suggested he should join YSTV, which he did the week after Freshers’ Week.
The first productions he worked on were the weekly instalments of [[Coffee House Sessions]], where he got to know most of the older and also new members of the station. Very soon, he realized that YSTV was the society he enjoyed the most. He ran for [[OB and Events Coordinator]] at a by-election early in the term, but lost to [[Stephanie Shires]]. This was the first time they properly met, despite doing the same course and should be the beginning of a wonderful friendship.
The first major production he was involved in was the [[Christmas Massacre]] livestream. He pitched to producer [[Iona McEwan]] that the show should be bookended by two found-footage style horror VTs, which included jumpscares, a weirdly extensive lore and [[Katherine Bell]] being revealed as the evil Killer Santa. Subsequently, he was tasked with writing, directing and editing these VTs. During the shoot, he worked with several soon-to-be key members of the station, an experience he enjoyed so much he started planning his own first big production:
Over the winter holidays, Thomas wrote the script for [[Hidden]], a short film drama. Pre-production for the film would begin early into spring term with support from [[Anastasia Arsentyeva]], [[Richard Jones]] and [[Stephanie Shires]]. At the same time, he got involved in several other major productions – most notably the [[YUSU Elections 2018]]. During the different livestreams and video shoots he regularly worked with [[Production Director]] [[Edwin Barnes]], for example as editor for the ERN Intro video or as wireless camera OP for the live broadcasts. He would later regularly reprise these roles.
During this term, Thomas also started producing his weekly programme [[YSTV Rants]], in which he wrote a comedically angry review of whatever film he had watched that week. This was his first on-going production.
At the end of spring term, Thomas stood in another by-election and was voted in as [[Treasurer]], replacing [[Dan Maher]].
During his third term, Thomas was part of the team at [[NaSTA 2018]] and [[Roses 2018]],
[[Love York Awards]]
Commercial Work
Learned After Effects over summer
[[Dynamic Duo]]
[[YSTV Reports]]
[[Freshers’ Week]]
[[Production Director]]
YouTube channel
[[Matthew Zeffertt]]
[[Production Meetings]]
Writers’ Room
[[Robbing Chloe]]
[[YSTV goes Pole Dancing]]
[[Olivia Gibbs]]
[[The 52 Amendments]]
[[NaSTA 2019]]
[[Roses 2019]]
[[Station Director]]



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