
From YSTV History Wiki

Created in 2007 by Iain Cooke.

The idea had cropped up earlier in the year to create an ident with slices of a pizza being picked up, revealing the YSTV logo. This re-surfaced during an archive viewing/capturing session in preparation for YSTV40 when the team ordered pizza. Iain printed off an A4 copy of the logo and cut it out to form a stencil to draw the logo on to the bottom of his pizza box. Three takes were done, but the first one was used as all the pieces were actually in the box in the right order, whereas in the other two it was obvious that the slices had been picked up and put back in a different order.

The final edit shows the box being opened and hands taking out a slice at a time, with the logo revealed and the phrase "Grab a slice of the action" superimposed on the box.

YSTV Productions
Series • Events Coverage • One-offs