Network Audio Mux

From YSTV History Wiki
This article is about a piece of equipment. For more information on what it is for or how to use it, try its documents wiki article.

Anyone know where it came from??Unverified or incomplete information

The mux was mono 16 input to one output, with phono plugs for each of the sound inputs.

The design for a new audio mux was sketched out by Tim Hackett in 1999, based around more free samples in the same way that the Station Video Mux was. It was essentially going to be a stereo version of the existing system to account for the stereo capable AV network, with the ability to support either balanced or unbalanced inputs. Due to time constraints the unit was not built.

The original mux remained in use until 2005 to send audio to the AV network, controlled by the BBC Schedula.