Music Department Practical Project

From YSTV History Wiki

The Music Department undergraduates put on a performance each year in the autumn term (wk6), as part of their first-year induction. Second and Third years composed/produced and directed the event and the gullible first years were the cast. From 2000 to 2002, YSTV filmed the performances. In 2000 it was "Roman de Fauvel" and in 2001 "The Orient Expressed".

YSTV filmed the performance on request from the Music Department and Music Students, with the intention of the students then being able to buy a copy of their work on VHS, and to raise some funds for YSTV. From YSTV's point of view it was more of a practice run for larger film-and-project events such as Woodstock. The event was never broadcast, however clips occasionally got into that year's Best Broadcaster compilation.

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