Fast Food

From YSTV History Wiki

Created in 2009, born in 2010, an attempt at a 'proper' food show was impossible for Mike Chislett, because he's quite bad at cooking. So instead, Fast Food was born. This way, no-one had to cook anything properly, and it sounded like a good excuse for a takeaway.


The show consists of four rounds:

  • 1. General knowledge - from a certain topic of food, each show has a different topic.
  • 2. Fast Food - true or false.
  • 3. "whizzing Cuisine" - although it should never be reffered as that on air, because it sounds horrible! In this round, unsuspecting contestants are given food. Which has been blended. Contestants then have to guess what it is, e.g. Chicken Tikka Massala. Extra ingredients are added if the food might be too easy to guess - e.g. curry powder in lasagne.
  • 4. Optional race round. May only happen a few times ever: ring up two takeaways, order a 12inch margarita. Depending on how cheeky you feel, you could tell them they'll be racing another group.

Title sequences

The show has two.

  • Le Parkour style, in which a biker and a runner each have a pizza, and race to the studio, starting from near Alcuin. The route is not an actual one. Numerous bike jumps are performed, which doesn't make for happy porters.
  • Bad food. Vivan Jayant cooks something containing pretty much anything, then dies. Steven Perring Calls for a takeaway.

Series One

  • First Episode
    • Filmed on thursday of spring week 10, 2010
    • Eventually edited by summer week 3 2010
    • Theme was McDonalds & chicken Jalfrezi, mixed to Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody"

YSTV Productions
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