Access All Areas

From YSTV History Wiki

Access All Areas is a YUSU event organised during Freshers' Week, where students buy one ticket and can attend any bar on campus, each of which has a different theme or genre of music for the night.

YSTV has "covered" this event three times. The first was in 2002, when a year of event coverage was kicked off by having screens showing other college's event strategically located in various colleges around colleges, making much use of the then new 2.4g system (anyone know more details about this?). The aim, apart from attracting people to join YSTV, was to envourage people to move around campus more, rather than go to the Derwent cheese night and never leave.

2006 saw some more coverage...(and I wasn't there, so someone else can write it).

The concept of the event later gave rise to a themed social, Access YSTV's Areas.

In 2019, YUSU re-introduced the event after a several years long hiatus for Freshers' Week 2019. Promptly, YSTV decided to cover the event. The idea was to send two presenters (Zoe Dickinson and Jonathan Hughes) on the bar crawl and complete challenges at each stop. However, since the entire crew was fresh coming of a 48h film challenge and therefore a bit sleepy, they only managed to get through 3 bars, before finding Courtyard and D-Bar already closed. Instead, the team ended up back in V-Bar and spending the rest of their production money on alcohol, where they decided to theme the video around Zoe's and Johnny's failed plan to do the bar crawl. The video also featured gambling, German Tom and Andrew Waddle singing German karaoke, and the whole crew drunkenly singing "Don't Look Back In Anger".