Ben Goes to Kuda- livestream

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Ben Goes to Kuda- livestream
Type of eventSocial
Number of attendees6

On the 25th of February 2020, six brave freshers left the comfort of the YSTV studio, and the nachos of Courtyard to venture into new unknown, and uncharted territory. With the group delayed on their adventure by Rhys Milling ordering a large bowl of yummy nachos, it wasn't long until Sophie Bolwell-Davies got the group moving and on route to the bus stop. Very soon a single decker bus pulled up. Completely packed, instinctively the girls got straight on without a fuss and bought their tickets. Despite this the boys decided to be simps and did not get on the bus as it was full up. Shortly after the bus driver had enough and left the guys looking like wallies at the bus stop. Once at Kuda, the girls, Isobel Drury and Alize Akturk saw the massive queue outside, but waiting for the boys to get there.

After a while, they decided the queue for Kuda was far too long and instead headed over to Flares instead.