Quotes board

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The YSTV quotes board was born in the summer of 2003. For some time "humorous" quotes had often been collected during productions, sometimes to be put online (such as in Games Disaster III's dedicated website) but usually forgotten about.

The quotes board was added to find a place to view these. It was initially accessible from the main website until a number of rather bizarre unsolicited contributions led to it being moved to the internal pages, along with the new messageboard. Now nearly four years' worth of random mutterings are available to view. The most quotable person in YSTV over this time has probably been Cally Nixon due to her ability to spot dirty innuendo in most conversations - what would the children think?

It should be pointed out that the quotes board idea, rather like Good Morning Campus, actually originated much earlier in the station's history. In the early-mid 1990s, quotes were written on a sheet pinned to a wall in the "office" of P/X002, and the practice continued after the move. Alan Murrell was particularly quotable... If the messageboard could handle random mutterings going back 17 years or so, they could probably be supplied.