The Christmas Imbroglio Strikes Back
The Christmas Imbroglio Strikes Back was the 2013 sequel to Christmas Imbroglio. The show was hosted by Matt Judge, and featured guests Severus Snape, Matt Johnson, Grace Winpenny, Bobby-Jo Dearnley, and Santa.
The Christmas Imbroglio Strikes Back | |
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Genre: | Imbroglio |
Broadcast: | 1 December 2013 |
Producer(s): | Kieron Moore Emily Torricelli |
- Not so long ago, at a television studio somewhere in York...
- One year ago, the YSTV holiday special known as CHRISTMAS IMBROGLIO was broadcast to the students of York University. The live show featured sketches, challenges, and other festive nonsense.
- Sadly, the only known recording of the show was wiped from the YSTV archives, along with several hundred hours of pornography.
- Despite this loss, we decided to make a sequel anyway. So without further ado: THE CHRISTMAS IMBROGLIO STRIKES BACK...
- A Very Bowie Christmas 2013 - After her failed attempt last year, Emily Torricelli once more tries to round up enough Bowies to film her Christmas sketch.
- The Nativity Rehearsal - Nancy Penderson directs an ammended version of a nativity play.
- The Bodger and Badger Christmas Special - Everybody knows, Badger snorts... Mash Potato!
- Union: Christmas Special - Chloe organises a Secret Santa to get the YourUnion officers into the festive spirit.
YSTV Productions |
Series • Events Coverage • One-offs |