Sam Nicholson

Revision as of 19:28, 16 October 2013 by Sam.nicholson (talk | contribs) (Updated with some project progress)

Sam came across YSTV and URY at Fresher's Fair 2010 and decided YSTV looked more fun, and hasn't looked back since. He was the Deputy Computing Officer from 2010 through to 2011, then made the step up to Computing Officer for the 2011-12 year. Commonly asked whether he was really a fresher in his first year, he spent much of the latter half of his first year and most of his second in YSTV, somewhat to the detriment of his Electronics degree.

Summer 2012

Disappeared off (whilst back to being the Deputy Computing Officer) to do an Industrial Placement for the 2012-2013 academic year and returned for 2013-14, as an ordinary member for the first time in a while.

  • Shortly after taking over as Computing Officer was involved in the unfortunate Drive Crash incident
  • Has since implemented a backup solution to prevent a similar accident happening again
  • Dreamt up the new Tally system with Michael Chislett
  • Started the continuous live channel idea that led to the start of replacing Spider and SchedSeven with Tarantula (and wrote a sizable chunk of it).
  • Designed and built the balanced Studio Comms system Wedge
  • Wrote confusing third-person autobiography!