Sam W

From YSTV History Wiki
Revision as of 00:48, 20 January 2016 by Samw (talk | contribs)

Sam followed in the footsteps of several YSTVers, having spent the free time (and some not-so-free time) of his first few years of Uni at certain other broadcast media societies, being aware of YSTV but not thinking too hard about it. He was hypnotized captured locked in the technical cupboard acquired around late spring term 2015, when he Just Sort Of Appeared at the installation of the new lighting rig, which he enjoyed greatly. From there, he hovered in a non committal sort of way, before experiencing a inexorable pull in the direction of Old Goodricke (potentially caused by the tech slash general member vacuum left by the departure of many now-DVDs in the summer of 2015) and ran uncontested for Deputy Technical Director that Autumn.

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