Adam Baxter

From YSTV History Wiki

A member of YSTV 1992-1995. Spent so much time in YSTV that he eventually turned it into a career and has worked at the BBC as an engineer since graduation.

At the beginning of May 1994, he designed the .sig file for ystv (pine users will understand), which would feature at the end of all official email communication from the station.

                             _  _/_ 
          _.-'-._      (  / ( ` /  (  /        Mail:YSTV 
       .-'       '-.    \/ ,_) (_,  \/              Goodricke College, 
      :.`-._   _.-'.:  _/   York Student            University of York, 
      | `-._`-'_.-' |        Television             Heslington, 
      |     | |     |                               York 
      |     | |     |   Email:-                     YO1 5DD 
       `-._ | | _.-' 
           `' `'       

He wrote the first customised version of Grapevine for the PC platform in visual basic, but has since shown repentance for this act.

Adam was possibly Station Manager 1993 - but the memory has faded! andUnverified or incomplete information Treasurer in 1994-95