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Roses Unlocked took place from Friday 30 April to Sunday 2 May. The weather across the weekend was heavily mixed from heavy rain on the Friday evening during the opening ceremony to warmer sunny spells such as on the Sunday afternoon.
Roses Unlocked took place from Friday 30 April to Sunday 2 May. The weather across the weekend was heavily mixed from heavy rain on the Friday evening during the opening ceremony to warmer sunny spells such as on the Sunday afternoon.

The only sporting event to take place on the Friday was the Rowing, which took place alongside the opening ceremony which was broadcast from The Forest and the Studio which was being hosted from James Beach.
The only sporting event to take place on the Friday was the Rowing, which took place alongside the opening ceremony which was broadcast from The Forest and the Studio which was being hosted from James Beach. The Friday evening, to put it lightly, was a bit of a disaster. The graphics for the rowing, which were meant to display a realtime chart of how close the competition between the competing teams was not complete. The aforementioned torrential rain, caused a large amount of our cables in the Forest to become drenched. There were issues getting all 3 livestreams live. Eventually we were able to get the Studio running and live to stall for time whilst we worked on getting the other two live. Eventually we got there but fought against feedback issues in the Forest with the Vice Chancellor hosting the opening ceremony. Then once we had cut to the Darts, we fought internet bandwidth in the Forest leading to the stream buffering. This was due to the fact that, even though we had wired connection to the internet in the Forest, it was essentially still a 4G connection. Despite the issues, it is estimated a total of 12 000 concurrent viewers watched the opening ceremony. A record for YSTV. After quite a long evening of fire fighting, the crew went home feeling a little demoralised and tried to get some sleep ahead of the early start on Saturday Morning.[[File:Roses Unlocked Darts.jpg|thumb|293x293px|Darts on the Greg's Place Screen]]
alongside the studio livestream
It is estimated a total of 12 000 concurrent viewers watched the opening ceremony.
[[File:Roses Unlocked Darts.jpg|thumb|293x293px|Darts on the Greg's Place Screen]]

Saturday consisted of a number more events. Once again the studio show from James Beach, and in terms of sports content there was Running, Swimming, Mooting and Darts. The first major issue of the day came from the first stream, Running. The event was taking place on 22 Acres and unfortunately the staff were late in arriving to open the pavilion there (where the OB was supposed to drawing power and internet from); everything was otherwise setup and ready to go. A staff member eventually arrived to open the door as the event was due to start. Unfortunately due to a faulty cable, there was a 30-minute delay before we could get the stream live whilst a replacement was retrieved from the studio. The running team were unwilling to push back the start time of their event and so began without the livestream. 30 minutes later when the OB were ready to go live, they had just finished their event and so as a result there was no coverage of the running.

Following the issues with the running livestream, Technical Lead and assigned techie for the Running stream decided he was no longer going to