Tor Exit Nodes

Revision as of 15:53, 17 October 2021 by Connor.sanders (talk | contribs)

Now we can't state what the ████████ is so in any case where I need to refer to it directly I will simply say "Tor Exit Node"...

The Story

In the ancient days of YSTV it was always tedious to ██████████████████████████ so Rhys Milling, being the saint he is, installed a simple Tor Exit Node in the YSTV network, to help us out. And for a while things went smoothly! All until the day Rhys █████████████████ and became a █████████████████, which led to us "temporarily" moving the Tor Exit Node onto a Raspberry pi, for quick removal. No problem - even Dom was happy! But the man got anxious, fell ██████████████ screaming █████████████████████. Even told Dom to "██████████████ his ████████████████ ████████████ and keep it there!". He decided it had to be gone. No more Tor Exit Node on the ITS network. What a shame.

But Dom wasn't happy. Something had to be done. So as a compromise we ████████████████████████████████████████████ - you can find the technical details www.██████████████████████.net