Erin McLeod

Revision as of 17:12, 28 February 2024 by Erin McLeod (talk | contribs)

Erin joined the society as a shy 'lil fresher in 2021. Though she was far too anxious to floor manage at first (literally why are you waving your hands at me), she soon found her footing as part of the edit ferrets, thanks to the encouragement of the one and only Max Roach. She quickly realised that all her teen years spent making fan edits and silly little youtube videos, actually had given her a pretty decent (and employable) talent. Hurrah!



She spent most of her first year improving her motion graphic skills, looking back fondly on works such as the pizza transitions she created for Pizza Parlour's of York, and some pretty questionable lower thirds. When she accidentally got roped into producing a series for Alize Akturk, focused on living sustainably as a student, she ended up on a crew of equally as media-enthusiastic freshers, who instantly all became besties. She went on to live with these people for two whole years. Crazy times. (see: boob house)

This same series went on to win Silver in Documentary and Factual at NaSTA 2022! After this Erin did not go into producing, in fact she ran far from it until her third year. But it was a nice award to have under her belt nonetheless. During Roses 2022, she had a blast, sleeping under a table and providing some quality vlog footage for the BTS videos. She also fell asleep standing up camera operating Canoe Polo, but thoroughly enjoyed her time editing highlights on Max Roach's laptop in the Media Control Room.


Erin's 2nd year was a bit of a rocky one, as documented by her constantly changing hair colours. She threw herself full force into productions though, mainly due to Beth Marsch's constant reassurance that 'tech is easy!' (it was.) With the introduction of YSTV Live, she took on her first reoccurring tech role (woo yeah) and could now teach others how to patch the studio, set up Vmix and NOT TO HANDLE THE T4'S LIKE A LIGHT SABER. She was Head of Live Highlights at Roses 2023, and successfully edited 24 (!) 2+ hour long videos down into highlights over the weekend. She didn't see the light of day, and was also cat sitting during this time, so made a pact to herself to get more fresh air in Roses 2024.

She started to become more passionate about the quality of our content, and seeds were being planted about running for a committee role. Erin ran against the iconic Ben Allen for Head of Presentation and won! It was time to start sending out edit notes and making lots (and lots) of thumbnails.


Erin was the centre of the great 2023 content backlog, which resulted in her giving edit notes (or editing) and uploading 77 consecutive days worth of content in Semester 1. This did a number on her mental health, so she got a bike, set some boundaries, and stuck to a solid 3-5 videos a week schedule for the remainder of the Semester. This bike also caused a number of issues, resulting in many late Admin meeting arrivals due to her extreamly unfortunate ability to cycle into walls.

[Wonder what the rest of 2024 will hold...]

# Production Role Notes
1 YSTV On The Rocks: Episode 5 - GIAG Special PA Baby's first production!