Connor Sanders

Connor Sanders
Years Active 2020
Positions Held


As an undeserved recipient of the 2020-21 "Rhys' Bitch Award", Connor found time better spent in the volumous collection of flammable goods nestled firmly between 2 fire escapes, than in the sad delusion of YSTV's "computing team". A computing team where he'd form one third of the infamous "Triple threat": a trio of wannabe sysadmins who believe different philosophies about literally every part of their job. Connor was (leaving room for death in this editorial) a person of absolute minimalism with systems. While Rhys might download an outdated, abandoned github repo ("but Connor, it's written in Go!" he would say) and Dom might find some £40 a month subscription service riddled with spyware, 90% of the time the obvious solution is just a bash script. And it is - it always is.