Michael Chislett

Revision as of 19:11, 29 October 2009 by Mikechislett (talk | contribs)

Simple Facts about Mike Mike joined in 2009 at Fresher Fair. Mike has a slight hate of MAC OSX, due to it being left hand drive. - prefers window controls on the right. Likes lighting rigs.

Things Mike intends to do during his time at YSTV Bring DMX dimmer from home & get P.A.T tested so it an be thrown into the YSTV rig legally. Possibly bring pile of Par 16's - these are small par64's with much less light output. good for on-set gimmicks really. The above two could arrive as soon as 08/11/2009.

Find / build / accquire a USB-DMX interface & and 12 channels worth of DMX-analogue, for "DMXifying" YSTV's existing Pulsar dimmers.

Mad ideas that Mike has come up with for YSTV 'includes a few that probably will never happen' Create skydiving ident. Possibly consisting of a huge Loo-roll made logo being made on 22Acres feild, with someome landing on it, and footage from a helmet-cam... I expect Skydiving soc probably wont be able to do this though. Perhaps a different feild?

Create YSTV "big logo" idents. Go round campus projecting logo all over the place - mysteron style if anyone remember captian scarlet.

Politics meets gameshow show. Nuff said.

Text in system? possibly using anold Nokia phone, hooked into the Nokia PC suite DLL's, with a bit of VB or C++... Mike can't do much C++ yet though