File talk:OpenDayCameras.jpg

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Revision as of 18:22, 27 May 2007 by Sprow (talk | contribs)

Is that Big Telly at the back? I didn't think we had it that early Jonathan 16:59, 27 May 2007 (BST)

It doesn't look like it to me, it looks more like a rediffusion TV on one of the TV trolleys.

However, I can point out that the back projection TV used to belong to Physics, and we used to be able to borrow it off the lab technician guy whose name escapes me. Eventually, he admitted that we used it more than he did and we bought it off him for about £400. I recall wheeling it to Heslington for the Roses darts with Chris Ward (which would mean we bought it in an odd year either 1997 or 1999) and being stopped by the police because we were doing it late at night and looked like criminals obvisouly! Sprow 19:22, 27 May 2007 (BST)

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