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Ystv-am logo.jpg
Genre: Magazine
Broadcast: 2005

YSTV-am began after a few of us had been on the Big Breakfast on Channel 4. BB was produced using just three cameras for the live segments, so we thought that we could do much the same thing in the studio...

The show was live "from nine until Neighbours (lunchtime!)" every day during Freshers' Week 2000, and consisted of live segments linking together pre-recorded YSTV shows from previous years such as 50%, Cooking With and Never Mind The Rip-Off. The set had the same "farmhouse kitchen" theme as the Big Breakfast, and a special setboard with a hole in it was used to cover the big projection TV set so that we could do transitions to and from pre-recorded segments by going "through the window".

When content was running short to fill the hours of output, episodes of Lorna Mitchell's Pingu video were transmitted to pad time!

The show's logo made innovative use of the recently introduced new YSTV logo.

YSTV Productions
Series • Events Coverage • One-offs