Soldering with Adrian

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Still from Closure.

A little clip from this appears in the Closure compilation. The Adrian of the title is Adrian Jones.

This was not a programme or a short spoof. Sometime circa 1992/3, a number of techies were fixing things in P/X/002 on a Wednesday afternoon, and due to lack of space in the office/workshop, Adrian took whatever he was fixing into the studio to work on it. Some bright spark switched on a camera, pointed it at Adrian, and then went live to network...

The caption simply says "Soldering With Adrian" and the picture shows Adrian sat at a table, soldering. A scrolling caption invites viewers to ring YSTV on 2460 (amazingly still the same internal number as today) for soldering advice.

This acquired somewhat legendary status during the early 2000s at YSTV and in tribute a short segment of Off The Cuff in January 2004 was dedicated to "Soldering With Ed".

"Soldering with Ed", Jan 2004.

Soldering with Liz

Soldering with's third incarnation appeared in 2013 as Soldering with Liz, presented by Elizabeth Pascoe. Mike Chislett foolishly agreed to provide food for Liz and Robert on Election night, provided this series airs. It eventually got made as an 11 minute as-live studio show, with the first episode featuring new Technical Director Robert Walker and titled "Desoldering with Rob", taped when Liz, Robert and Christopher Parker were all in the station bored one evening in June 2013. It was broadcast between live episodes of Challenge Us To Talk and The Ultimate Challenge on 10 June. After too many drinks in V-Bar, a second episode was recorded on 17 June featuring Lucy Walters being taught to solder. This may be the start of an actual serial programme, an example of taking the joke too far. Many people haven't spotted that the show is a spoof.

During the presentation of the NaSTA 2014 Best Broadcaster award, the judge gave substantial praise to the show.

YSTV Productions
Series • Events Coverage • One-offs