Kev Larkin

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After many an afternoon politics lecture spent bemoaning the quality of his social life and professing his love for the more kitsch end of televisual presentation, Kev was eventually pushed into YSTV by Vanky in May 2005.

Before he graduated in 2006, Kev held the posts of Social Secretary and then Controller of Factual Programming before becoming co-Controller of News and Current Affairs and then Scheduling Manager. He co-produced YSTV Week, Elections 2006 and produced a revamped, purple-centric version of the campus hack chinwag-athon that was Bona Dicta.

He is one of the founder members of YSTV London with Jonathan Bufton, Kate Rushworth and Tom Hughes, and now has indulged his love of news further by completing an MA in Broadcast Journalism at City University in London. As of April 2010 he is a Broadcast Journalist for Town 102 in Ipswich.