Hui-Ling Phillips

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Hui-Ling Phillips
Years Active 2016 2018Unverified or incomplete information
Positions Held
YSTV's Official Director of Better (2017)
Current LocationYork

Hui-Ling Phillips joined YSTV in Freshers' Fair 2016, her second year of study (even after wanting to in first year but being too intimidated). Mostly because Sam Willcocks shoved a flyer into her hand (after her friends blanked him) and later, at YSTV's stall, got very enthusiastic about tech as he was the only tech member at that time. Luckily it turned out she was interested in the tech aspect.

She soon started spending most evenings at YSTV for many hours. Surprisingly not for shows in the beginning, but to help out with The Great Untangling of 2016.

Her housemates assumed if she was missing for what would be worryingly long periods of time, that she was just spending all of her time at YSTV and sleeping (presumably) at home in-between going to YSTV. On one occasion when leaving the house (to go to YSTV) a housemate exclaimed "I haven't seen you in like a week!" and in a group chat her nickname was set to Mike TV because TV was all' she talked about.

YSTV is possibly the best thing Hui-Ling decided to do in her academic career.

Less notably; her degree is currently in Physics and despite YSTV taking up all of her free time, is going well.

Notable Roles in her YSTV career

Production Date Roles Description
YSTV Sessions:

Kell Chambers

23rd October 2016 Technical Assistant
Unofficial Camera Op
The first time she as able to sign up on the calendar as a Technical Assistant as it was unlocked by Sam Willcocks after she had done some unknown amount of tech, (maybe 3 events?). She was taught to set up mics for a singer and acoustic guitar and the Behringer X32.
YSTV Sessions:

Better Than Never

29th October 2016 Technical Assistant Helped with mics and X32
YSTV Sessions:

John Chisham

28th January 2017 Sound Engineer Helped with mics, X32 and post-production audio editing.
Tea Time Chat 30th January 2017 General Crew
YSTV Sessions:

Henry Fairnington

5th February 2017 Sound Engineer
Tea Time Chat 6th February 2017 General Crew
YSTV Sessions:

Feed Them To The Forest

7th February 2017 Sound Engineer

Adam & Jake

13th February 2017 Camera Op

Anything Goes

15th February 2017 General Crew 3 cameras filming 1 dog on a stage full of people
FTO Debates 17th February 2017 General Crew Spontaneously went to Unibrass Rigfest in Harrogate and came back to spontaneously rig and crew the debates
Unibrass 18th February 2017 General Crew Went to where they held Eurovision in the 80s in the 'Early Minibus' driven by Willcocks to finish setting up and crew.

Highlight: LA1 streaming the carpet of a theatre.

Elections Results Night 25th February 2017 Technical Assistant
Tea Time Chat 27th February 2017 Floor Manager
Tea Time Chat

A.K.A. "Fuckin' end of term episode of Tea Time Chat"

17th March 2017 Technical Assistant
Tea Time Chat 21st April 2017 Technical Assistant
Roses 2017 28th - 30th April 2017 Director Of Better

(Producer under Executive Producer and Production Manager)

Jib Noir circa 8th May 2017 Actress: Detective Messing about with a newlly found piece of kit turned into a published video somehow
General Election Livestream:

YSTV's Strong and Stable Livestream

8th - 9th June 2017 Researcher (mostly of memes)
Summer Ball 2017 13th - 14th June 2017 Director

Camera Op

Due to it being summer ball; we dressed up. Therefore the role was changed to OAC (Overly Attractive Camera Op)
Coffee House Sessions: Joel Baker 25th October 2017 General Crew
Aesthetica Film Festival 2017 12th November 2017
Last Page 18th - 19th November 2017 Executive Producer
Christmas Massacre 27th November 2017 Executive Producer A creepy twist on our annual Christmas Imbroglio livestream