Grace Winpenny

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Summer 2014

Grace arrived at York in 2011, keen to investigate the social habits of waterfowl and to do a Music degree. Amazingly, it took her until 2013 to become a member of YSTV. Grace had encountered YSTV on numerous occasions around campus and always fancied doing sound, so vowed to join and has pretty much lived in the Station since her 3rd year at York. She is currently studying for an MA in Postproduction with Sound Design in TFTV and still presents/produces content as a well-deserved break.

Through the kind/crazed encouragement of Matt Johnson, Grace decided to give presenting a go and has never looked back. Since that first introduction to this amazing society, Grace has taken on a range of roles and is particularly fond of floor managing and sending emails.

Officerships held:

FLOPPYs Awarded:

  • YSTV Mum 2014
  • Nicest Member 2015

Presenting highlights include:



  • NASTA Golden Bodge 2014+2015, both of which miraculously won the People's Choice Award
