Dave Baker

Dave Baker joined YSTV in October 2002 and quickly became heavily involved, and was elected Station Director in May 2003. He was one quarter of the Gang of Four who kept the station going over summer 2003, and ended up in charge of the station's computing side - both officially and unofficially - for an incredible three years, including overseeing the launch of both on demand programming and the global webstream. He is also part of a select bunch who have been Station Director twice, after the role reverted back to him over the summer of 2004 as a result of an EGM at the time.

As well as the techie side of things he was also producer of several one-offs for the station including The Great Big Massive YSTV Christmas Quiz Game Show Thingy 2003, Children In Need 2004, the Webstream Launch and the innovative Learning Curves.

He graduated in the summer of 2006 but like many Old Farts returns every so often to help with the biggies...